Find the Value of Your Home with this FREE Software

The software isn't Free. I pay for it. But it's free to you.

Every month you'll get an email showing you what your home is worth, how much equity you have in it, and opportunities you might consider to put that equity to use.

You can update the data as you see fit. Update your mortgage information. Add improvement details. Check out rent income scenarios. Keep an eye on your local market. Ultimately, put yourself in charge towards better buying and selling decisions.

And in the mix - there are links to steer questions my way. Ask me to pull together a more detailed market analysis of your home's value. Together, we'll realize the full potential of your real estate scenario.

There's no reason not to enter your address and pertinent info on the next screen. It's Free. It's Valuable. It's Very Cool. And you can always unsubscribe and go back to your regularly scheduled program.